Saturday, 3 January 2015

Welcoming 2015

So I wasn't planning on doing one of these posts. I actually wanted to stay away from it but seeing other peoples has drove me to write this. 

So it's another year and I always seem to make new years resolutions. I hardly ever stick to them though - typical. 
I thought I would share what mine are and maybe it might motivate me to put a bit more effort in then usual so here it goes. 

1. Drink more water - I got through phases where I do this and I feel so much better than usual so I really want to stick to it.

2. Consistently make blog posts that I am really happy with - I don't want to set a followers goal as I have no idea what will happen this year but I want to be happy with my blog and then maybe others will enjoy it.

3. Pass my A Levels - I know I'm only going to do this if I work hard so I need to sort myself out and realise that the next episode of American Horror Story can wait a little bit.

4. Take more photos - This one is pretty self explanatory but I want to have lots of things to look back on.

here comes the hefty one.. 

5. Live my life more - this may sound a bit strange but thinking back on 2014 I don't think I really put myself out there a lot and made each day count, the past few months has really shown me that each day is precious and we never know when our last with someone is going to be. 

So these are my resolutions, I tried not to have too many as I think that just makes it completely impossible to see them through and I'm going to need all the help I can get. 

Thanks for reading and let me know what your resolutions are.
Bekah x


  1. Its really strange apart from number 3 my revolutions are the same as yours, i definitely want to take more photographs i feel like i have nothing to show for the past year so thats high on my list! and of course i really want to focus a lot on my blog this year :) Good luck with them all xxx


    1. really? That's so weird, I love looking back at pictures and I feel the same. Good luck with all of yours aswell (I've been binge reading your blog all day and I'm obsessed by the way) xx
